So this time in CSAI we needed to create a piece of artwork in Turtle Art inspired by the one of Turtle Art Books, Book 1, Book 2, or Book 3. I was inspired by this painting called “us”. I really liked the stick figures so I decided to make one of my own.
So I started with making a background now at this point I had already had an idea in my head. My idea was to make a sort of Light vs. Dark type thing going on inside the stick figures body. So for the background, I decided to
make one half of the screen blue (the left half) and the other half of the screen to be red (the right half).
Here you can see the background with the code used to make it.

Now the next thing I needed to do was make the stick figure. Now my code is too long to show in the picture so here is a link to the code.
So now that I had my Stick figure done I wasn’t sure how to add to it but then an idea sprang to mind. I decided to add sort-of beams of energy traveling into the character’s body to symbolize two sides inside him conflicted.

So here you can see the whole thing with all the code. again here is a link to the code so that you can see it all more in detail. So now I was finally done. All I needed to do now was write this blog post.
Thanks for reading, I’ll see you in the next blog.